
Monday, December 31, 2012

If Tomorrow is the First Day of the Rest of Your Life

When starting a new fitness regime or eating plan, my husband and I will joke that "tomorrow is the first day of the rest of your life." So if you have big plans for 2013 to eat right, exercise more, lose weight, get leaner, stronger, etc. then I have a couple suggestions for you.

  • Today is December 31, 2012 and that means tomorrow is January 1, 2013. You will be hungry when you wake up. Instead of ruining your big plans of changing the way you look, don't wake up and go to the closest McDonald's to get a sausage biscuit. Instead, at the grocery store today, grab some oatmeal and eggs. It is all about being prepared. 

  • Spend the day tomorrow researching and planning your first week of meals. You will lose SO much more weight if you eat right. I cannot stress this enough. In fact, I would go as far to say that you could go without exercising and still lose weight. (I hate saying that since I am in the fitness business, but it's true!)

  • Throw out all the processed junk in your fridge and cabinets. THROW IT OUT! You need to view food as fuel when dieting until your mindset changes. I'm not saying don't enjoy food, but for now you've got to get your mind and body adjusted to eating real food. It will take you a while, this isn't a sprint, it's a marathon. 

  • Tell yourself that losing weight is going to be hard. REALLY HARD. It's going to suck and you are going to hate it at times. Think about all the donuts, tacos, ice cream and cheeseburgers you've eaten to get to where you are today. You've got to "uneat" all that grossness. But you can do it. I promise. 

Enjoy today and Happy New Years! Here is to health and happiness in 2013! Hopefully we can work on both together.

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