
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Snack Solutions

You KNOW you're supposed to eat 5 small meals a day to lose weight... (you do know this, right?!)

Here are some good options to fill in those snacks with a healthy protein/fiber/carbohydrate ratio:

1. 80 calories: Stick of string cheese
2. 100 calories: Hard-boiled egg with a handful of grape tomatoes
3. 180 calories: Nature Valley granola bar
4. 250 calories: Ready-made reduced-fat smoothie, such as Stonyfield Farm
5. 250 calories: Clif bar
6. 275 calories: 2 or 3 small handfuls of trail mix
7. 290 calories: Kellogg's Nutri-Grain bar with a handful of pistachios or almonds
8. 300 calories: Slice of whole-grain bread topped with peanut butter and banana
9. 300 calories: Small bagel with 2 slices of Muenster cheese, melted
10. 400 calories: Medium-size fruit muffin (best if made with whole-wheat flour)

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